When you’ve eliminated all the beliefs you can think of that could explain a given problem and when the beliefs that have been eliminated somehow still feel true, the problem is probably being caused by a conditioned “sense.”
A sense is not a cognitive statement like a belief; it exists as a feeling. If you try to communicate to someone what that sense feels like, you might use colors (like dark), physical sensations (like heavy), metaphors (like I’m being stopped by a wall), short phrases (like can’t move forward), etc. You can have a sense of many things, but the most common three senses are of yourself, of people, and of life.
Your sense of
yourself feels like who you really are; it feels like you were born this way;
this feeling is you.
A sense of people
feels like who people really are; people are inherently this way; they always
were and always will be this way.
A sense of life
feels like the way life really is; life is always this way, no matter what.